
I'm one step behind every step you take
Each time I reach it just seems to fade away
But with every speck of light, I fight the breaking need to try
Day will break the nite
And the light will find my way

In a dream I'm sure I saw it all
The tides that fall and rise again, and again
Well maybe it's just me, caught in desperation to
Fight this helpless falling sensation
I won't let this take me down

One after another endlessly
How many more will I fight away
Every time hoping it'd be the last time I'll have to say hello
Night after nite I dream of ways
To not have to meet you once again
Cuz every time feels like the very first time when I'll have say

You'll see me some day wondering around
Eyes shut and arms up singin' “I won't let me down”
And all I'll need is one break in your sigh to breath
Just one breath's enough to reach you
But somehow it keeps coming back

One after another endlessly
How many more will I fight away
Every time hoping it'd be the last time I'll have to say hello
Night after nite I dream of ways
To not have to meet you once again
Cuz every time feels like the very first time when I'll have say

Oh and as I open up my eyes
A new dawn will cover it all
And so it starts again with the call of day
An endless start in motion

Build up of expectations
And it soon engulfs the best of us
Lost in its speculations
Will we ever find a way to trust
What I'll need is a kind of patience
One that will give me the will to fight
The last voice that ends in cadence
I won't let it be me

One after another endlessly
How many more will I fight away
Every time hoping it'd be the last time I'll have to say hello
Night after nite I dream of ways
To not have to meet you once again
Cuz every time feels like the very first time when I'll have say

I'll get by with a little bit of
Hope and all and maybe just a little
Push on my shoulder and yes I'll take my plunge now
Cuz all in all it all rests on
The first hand that you can let go
Then and only then will you see why you've held on

And yes you'll see why you've held on



いつのまにか止まったまま 波のシズクと消えたあしあと
Maybe it's just me 冷たくからみつく
Wanting so much 流れは早さをまして

いつもと同じ夢の中 めざめる事におびえて、ふるえて
The sun against my will 陽がおとす影は
Never again the same 二度と重なることもない

まぶしく映る おもかげさえも
波に揺られて かたち変えてく
色を失くした 思いとともに
流されてゆけ 波のゆくさきへ

いつかと同じこの場所で すくいあげた命のかけらは
Now lose it all again 指のすきまから
I won't even recognize you こぼれ落ちてゆく

ひかりのしぶきを あげるあの夜空も
そのひとみには もう映らない
意味を失くした ねがいとともに
流されてゆけ 波のゆくさきへ

ああ 新しい朝日が 包み込んでゆく
また始まる日々の中 動き出して

果てなく続く 命のらせんが
まじわることを きせきと呼ぶなら
それはあのとき 二人が出会った

まぶしく映る おもかげさえも
波に揺られて かたち変えてく
色を失くした 思いとともに
流されてゆけ 波のゆくさきへ

時は動き出す 手に握りしめた
記憶の破片は 一つだけでいい
ただひとりきり また歩き出す
目の前を照らす 光のさきへ

Maybe it's just me 全てを飲み込んで
Wanting so much ただ流されてゆけ
The sun against my will 誰も知らない
I won't even recognize you 波のゆくさきへ
I won't even look up to